If you’ve ever had a cold sore, you know how annoying and even painful they can be. If you haven’t had the pleasure, you should be aware of the signs and symptoms as cold sores are highly contagious.
Signs and Symptoms of Cold Sores
A cold sore is a red blister or small cluster of red blisters that appear near your mouth and lips. If you find you have a blister inside your mouth, this is more likely to be a canker and not a cold sore.
Typically, they will appear for anything from one to two weeks. The blisters will typically appear and then pop within a day or two, creating the sore which will form a scab-like crust that will shed and reform a few times while the sore heals.
What is a Cold Sore?
Simply, a cold sore is the manifestation of the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). As it is a virus, it is highly contagious and is passed between people through saliva (directly, as during kissing or indirectly by sharing a glass with someone who has the virus) and skin contact.
Many people have a dormant version of the virus which can become active, particularly during times of stress or illness, resulting in cold sores.
How can I be Sure what I Have is a Cold Sore?
The best way is to see your dentist or doctor and have them diagnose it for you. Dr. Google is not your friend when it comes to highly contagious viral infections!
What can my Dentist do about a Cold Sore?
If you have an active cold sore, and you are due to visit your dentist for a checkup or treatment, be sure to let the staff know beforehand.
Depending on the severity and frequency of the outbreaks, you have a couple of options:
- Over the counter cold sore treatments – these can relieve the discomfort associated with cold sores. Your dentist can help you to determine if this is a good option for you.
- Your dentist can prescribe an oral anti-viral medication that would effective, particularly if you are finding you are having frequent and severe outbreaks.
- Laser treatment is the latest option that is available. It has the dual benefit of not only ridding you of your current breakout but it will also minimize the chance of another outbreak in the same area of your skin / lips.
Ultimately, there is no cure for HSV-1 but the cold sores that result from it can be managed effectively. Talk to your dentist about it! Orion Dental provides a full list of dental services including teeth whitening, cosmetic dentistry and dental implants. We have family dentist offices in both Milton and Scarborough, both with evening and weekend hours, so give us a call today at our Milton dentist office at (905) 636 – 9770 or at our Scarborough dentist office at (416) 291 – 0306!