Setting your kids up on a path of good oral hygiene starts early!
Everyone and their auntie has different advice about when to start taking the kids to the dentist. Six months after their first tooth appears. One year of age. Eighteen months of age. So what should you do?
Keeping Teeth Clean
The first thing to remember, before any visit to the dentist’s chair even occurs, is to start teaching kids good oral hygiene techniques. That means brushing morning and afternoon and flossing daily. But my 13 month old only has four teeth? It’s still important to clean off the plaque and bacteria that builds up from eating and drinking. While they are young, you will need to do it for them but modelling appropriate behaviour is a good way to instill the habits of good oral hygiene.
Isn’t Two Too Young?
It really depends on the child, but many kids benefit from a short ‘introduction’ appointment, which we call a ‘Happy Visit’, so they can become familiar with the chair and the equipment, the staff and the surroundings. It will make their first ‘actual’ visit a little less daunting. Another option is to bring them with you on your visits, so they can see that there is nothing to be concerned about. The Canadian Dental Association recommends a visit by age one.
When Does the Real (Dental) Work Start?
While some children need dental work fairly early on, depending on the way their teeth are growing in, realistically, most children can sit through an exam much around the age of three. Regular and ongoing cleanings can start at age four.
If you notice that your child’s teeth are coming in crooked or on top of one another, or if you have any other concerns about their teeth developing, do not hesitate to contact us. Any issues are almost invariably easier to deal with when caught earlier rather than later. Orion Dental specializes in children’s dentistry, and with offices conveniently located in Milton and Scarborough we’re never too far away! Call us today to book an appointment for you and your family!