Composite vs Porcelain Veneers, What’s the Right Choice for You?
When considering how to go about improving the look of your teeth it’s important to do your homework on the options available and the pros and cons of each.
Where Do You Start?
Your dentist is the best place to get those answers but doing a little research beforehand will most probably generate some questions for you to ask to get your specific questions answered. A dentist will naturally give their opinion of what they prefer to work with or what they feel will give the best results but like anything in life people are very different. Best to gather up as much information first and bring that to your dentist, this will surely generate a conversation that leaves you confidant of the choice that is right for you.
What’s the Difference Between Composite and Porcelain?
I guess the first question is what is composite and what is porcelain?
Composite is made from a blend of ceramic and plastic that can be matched to the colour of your existing teeth To apply it a chemical is placed on your existing tooth to allow the composite resin to stick to the enamel of the tooth. The composite is then applied in layers using a bright light on each layer to harden it. Once all the layers are applied the dentist then shapes and polishes the resin to form your tooth. You are left with a natural-looking tooth that matches the surrounding teeth. This is a great option to repair one or a few teeth with a natural look.
Porcelain is a more complicated procedure and is often used to change the “smile teeth” usually the top and bottom front eight teeth but in many cases like the stars, the entire set of teeth will be covered. This procedure usually requires a mild anesthetic and a thin layer of your tooth enamel is removed to make room for the veneer. When this is done a mold is made of your tooth and your dentist will apply temporary veneers for you to wear until your porcelain ones are ready. Once the veneers are ready you are back to the dentist to have the temporary veneers removed and the new ones applied using a mild chemical to make the teeth rough and allow the veneers to stick to them. This look will give you an overall brighter and whiter smile as well as a very uniform looking set of teeth.
Some Things You Should Know Before You Decide on Veneers
- Veneers are not the answer to trouble free teeth. They still need to be maintained and caution needs to be taken when biting down hard.
- IF you grind your teeth at night you will most probably break your veneers so talk to your dentist about a nightguard to help with that.
- Veneers are irreversible! Once done it’s a lifetime commitment because you have removed or damaged the enamel of your teeth no matter which option you choose.
- Cavities can still form under a veneer but there are things you can do to help with that like caps.
- In most cases, cosmetic treatments are not covered by your healthcare.
Even with what can be perceived as negatives of veneers it is still an option that many people take and in the case of an accidental break of your existing teeth, discoloring, or a naturally poor shaped tooth it is comforting to know that there are options that will leave you feeling better about your smile.
Book your consult appointment with Orion Dental today to discuss what options are available to you and your smile.
Orion Dental is a full-service family dentist with offices conveniently located in Milton and Scarborough. We offer dental services for the entire family, and with our bright colourful waiting rooms and crafts to keep your children busy while they wait, we live up to our reputation of being The Gentle Dentist! Call our Milton dentist office at (905) 636 – 9770 or our Scarborough dentist office at (416) 291 – 0306 and book an appointment today!